
Thanks for visiting my site and letting me share my love of pottery with you!

Questions or comments?
* click on "comments" found under each post, or
* click on "Email Chris" in the right column.


* Patricia A. Dickson:   Book of haikus:  Pastels 

* Neil Hanson:   Book about his mystical experiences at his father's dying:  Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty

Debbie Haynie:   Psychotherapist and healer dedicated to the integration of the body, mind and spirit/soul.   http://www.antaskarana.com/aboutus.htm

* Holly Heuer:    Certified Enneagram instructor, using the Enneagram to explore the mystery and wonder of the inner life.  http://growwithenneagram.com

Anita Jantz:   Watercolor and pastel artist, teaches watercolor classes, paints on silk, creating colorful scarves.  www.jantzart.com

Kristin Paulson:   Watercolor, acryllic  and jewelry artist, teaches painting classes at Trails Recreation Center. kreationsbykristin10@gmail.com

* Judy Prager:   Work with clay

Lorene Salomonsson:   Certified Interior Decorator in Nordic Feng Shui
www.finallyhomebylorene.com  (English)
www.iderikinredning.se (Swedish)

* Dinah Snipes Steveni:   Professional Ceramic Artist and my Mentor through the Potters Council, of which she is a board member.